

EIT Food

EIT Food

11.06.2019   Aktuality

EIT Food RIS Solutions project website:https://www.azti.es/eitfood-risolutions/

Recruitment form: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/RISolutions (deadline June 30, 2019).


This programme is addressed to students from RIS countries (bachelors, masters and PhDs), who want to be involved in solving industrial problems identified by partners. The best teams of students have a chance to get an invitation for Foodhatons organized in Poland and Italy.

 Benefits for candidate:


1. Invitation for first prestigious edition of Foodhatons in Poland or in Italy: pitching team’s solutions in front of the jury consisting of industry and science representatives 

b. Organizators carry the costs of the travel and hotels for 20 teams (returning cost for a team – max. 1000 euro/team including taxes if necessary) 

c. Activities during Foodhatons: pitching session, workshop and activities, which help get to know each other better  

2. International networking with professors, speakers, experts from food industry and students from foreign universities

3. Mentoring from the experts - preceding Foodhatons 3 months mentoring for 25 teams with international experts