
Organisation structure

The Department of General Competencies

Teaching activities

In pedagogical activities related to teaching of foreign languages, the department ​​focuses on the teaching of basic Latin terminology, the basic minimum of Latin grammar, mastering the Latin-Greek terms of all study programs. The goal of teaching a foreign professional language is mastering professional terminology, working with professional text and acquiring complete language competencies in the given study programs. In addition, Slovak language teaching is provided for foreign students. The goal of teaching the Slovak language for foreign students is to master basic grammar rules and conversational topics. The purpose is to help foreign students communicate and find their way around everyday life in our country.

The pedagogical process in the field of informatics, mathematics and statistics is focused on their application in the respective fields, with an emphasis on the transfer of practical knowledge and skills and their use in various experiments or trials.

The department also provides teaching of professional communication and communication skills. The aim of the subjects is to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in ethical communication between colleagues, towards the public and in relation to customers - owners or breeders of animals, gain knowledge on how to prepare and present the results of the work either at face-to-face meetings or in front of an audience. The student will acquire basic knowledge of the theory of language communication, stylistics and rhetoric as a starting point for creating their own effective and cultivated communication outputs.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION as an optional subject of study is understood as part of psychohygiene and harmonious personality development during studies and is intended for students of all grades and study programs under the organizational and methodical guidance of physical education and sports teachers.
Address: Cesta pod Hradovou 11 (campus of UVMP boarding schools), 04181 Košice

Subject guarantor: Gajdošová Beáta, PaedDr.

Physical activities offered:
Frisbee, Badminton/Table tennis, Volleyball, Football, Tabata - Body form, Fitness training (Body form), Cardio training, Pilates, Yoga

Free time activities:
trips, hiking, rafting, tournaments, running around the dormitory, running up the stairs...

The student chooses one physical activity from the physical education program for each semester separately.

Students can sign up for physical education repeatedly throughout their studies!

The schedule and more information about upcoming events are published on FB: UVMP sports 1


Movement activities

  • TABATA, BODY FORM: highly intensive cardiovascular exercise with a focus on interval training, development of physical condition and strengthening and shaping problem parts of the body.
  • BADMINTON AND TABLE TENNIS: mastering the basics of hitting technique, improving and playing.
  • FRISBEE: collective, non-contact game: rules, basics of throwing and catching the disc, game.
  • YOGA: medicine for body and soul.
  • CARDIO EXERCISE: endurance exercise that develops and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • FITNESS TRAINING: exercise aimed at the all-round development of the basic muscle groups with the aim of achieving a harmoniously developed figure, development of strength, muscles, body modification - also for women
  • PILATES: aimed at strengthening the center of the body (core), maintaining physical condition, improving the movement system as well as improving the coordination of movement, breathing and proper posture
  • MINI FOOTBALL: rules, individual game activities, tactics, game
  • TOURISM: water, walking, cycling in the surroundings of Košice, Slovak Paradise, Pieniny
  • VOLLEYBALL: rules, game activities, game


  • Latin terminology
  • Slovak language
  • Biomedical statistics and informatics
  • Professional communication
  • Physical education

Veterinary nurse

  • Basics of Latin terminology
  • Basics of Slovak language
  • Information technologies in the outpatient ward
  • Professional communication and psychology
  • Physical education

3rd degree of study:

  • Language preparation of doctoral students
  • Statistical data processing
  • Methodology and statistical evaluation of a biological experiment