
University authorities

Rector's Collegium

The Rector's Collegium of UVMP in Košice is a permanent advisory body of the Rector. The members of the Collegium are Vice-Rectors, Bursar, heads of departments and clinics, heads of special facilities and self-sustaining structures. The Rector's College members are Vice-Rectors, Bursar, Heads of Department, Heads of Clinic and Chancellor. The number of members may be increased by the Rector, if deemed necessary. The Collegium is called by the Rector, as needed, but at least twice in a semester. The Rector's Collegium discusses important issues concerning the activities and management of the university, it ensures that the information from the Management is disseminated within the university departments, discusses the implementation of main tasks of the university and ensures that they are fulfilled.

Members of The Rector's Collegium

UVMP Management
Prof. Jozef Nagy, DVM, PhD
Martin Tomko, DVM., PhD
vice-rector for Education
Assoc. Prof. Jana Koščová, DVM, PhD
vice-rector for Research Activities and PhD Study
Boris Vojtek, DVM, PhD
vice-rector for International Relations
Assoc. Prof. Zuzana Kostecká, DVM, PhD
vice-rector for University Development and Quality Assurance
Prof. Oskar Nagy, DVM, PhD, Dip. ECBHM
Professor at Clinic of Ruminants, University Veterinary Hospital
Róbert Schréter, Dipl.-Ing., PhD
Heads of Departments
Andrea Eibenová, Mgr.
Department of General Competencies
Assoc. Prof. Drahomíra Sopková, DVM, PhD
Department of Biology and Physiology
Peter Očenáš, RNDr. PhD
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Lukáš Bujňák, DVM, PhD
Department of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry
Prof. Dagmar Mudroňová, DVM, PhD
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Štefánia Laca Megyesi, PharmD, PhD, MSc.
Department of Pharmacy and Social Pharmacy
Prof. Jaroslav Legáth, DVM, CSc.
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Prof. Anna Ondrejková, DVM, PhD
Department of Epizootiology, Parasitology and Protection of One Health
Assoc. Prof. Peter Korim, DVM, CSc.
Department of Public Veterinary Medicine and Animal Welfare
Prof. Slavomír Marcinčák, DVM, PhD
Department of Food Hygiene, Technology and Safety
Slavomír Kurhajec, PharmD, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacognozy and Botany
Prof. Róbert Herich, DVM, PhD
Department of Morphological Disciplines
Assoc. Prof. Peter Lazár, DVM, PhD
Department of Breeding and Diseases of Game, Fish and Bees, Ecology and Cynology
Heads of Clinics
Assoc. Prof. Slavomír Horňák, DVM, PhD
Small Animal Clinic
Assoc. Prof. Ján Bílek, DVM, PhD
Clinic of Horses
Prof. Pavol Mudroň, DVM, PhD, Dip. ECBHM
Clinic of Ruminants
Assoc. Prof. Jaroslav Novotný, DVM, PhD
Clinic of Swine
Assoc. Prof. Ladislav Molnár, DVM, PhD
Clinic of Birds, Exotic and Free Living Animals
PhDr. Ľudmila Kundríková