

Tuition and PhD study related fees

The registration for the academic year is conditional upon the proof of payment of the university fees. Payment can be made by bank transfer (draft) or by cash at the university cash desk. Proof of payment should take the form of a payment certificate.

Payment reimbursement - University Bank account details:
Account holder:
Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice
Bank details:
Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovakia
Account number:
SK24 8180 0000 0070 0007 2161
Variabile symbol:
Payment reference:
“the name of student” (Payment reference is used to identify the owner of payment. Please make sure you include payment reference when making payment).

PhD Study related fees are in accordance with Article 11 of the Internal Regulation No. 38 - Tuition fees and study-related fees at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice for the academic year 2019/2020.

Fees concerning annual tuition fees
Full-time form
5 000 €
Part-time form
5 000 €
Fees concerning the entrance exams
Application fee to the third level of higher education
30 €
Additional entries of missing information to the application form
10 €
Fees concerning the study
Student’s identity card with ISIC licence (full-time)
20 €
Student’s ISIC card without licence (part-time)
7 €
Student’s ISIC card renewal/prolongation
12 €
Transcript of study records for student
10 €
Insurance (student study-related insurance)
6 €
Additional AIS entries outside the time frame
10 €
Registration fee for new academic year of study
10 €
Fees concerning the duplicates
35 €
Certification of the State exams
35 €
Supplement to the Diploma
35 €
Student’s ISIC card (due to loss, damage, …)
17 €
Student’s ISIC card (due to theft, upon confirmation from the police)
9 €
Each student has to arrange a medical insurance either in their home country or in the Slovak Republic.