CEEPUS is a Central European exchange programme for university studies, currently actively involved in Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia..
CEEPUS offers mobilities for students, PhD students and teachers of higher education institutions (universities) from member countries. All fields of study are welcome and there are no priority areas.
Minimum length of stay for scholarship students is from 1 month to 1 semester, for doctoral students and teachers 1 month.
Promoting academic mobility in Central Europe contributes to European integration, emphasizes regional characteristics.
The official language of the programme is English. The objective of the programme is to create a network of universities in Central Europe and implement mobility of students, graduates and teachers. Each network consists of at least three universities from different member countries. Universities and colleges must be accredited higher education institutions of the contracting country.
CEEPUS includes the VetNEST network (Veterinary Network of Students Staff Transfer), in which UVMP in Košice is an active member.Members of the CEEPUS network organize exchange study programs for students and staff as well as the so-called summer school. Pharmacists can currently use the network, of which the Faculty of Pharmacy of Comenius University in Bratislava is a member.
Pharmacists can currently use the network, of which the Faculty of Pharmacy of Comenius University in Bratislava is a member.
Eligibility of applicants
For stays in Slovakia, students, PhD students and teachers of higher education institutions (universities) eligible for the programme in their home country can apply (check the eligibility at your home National CEEPUS Office). Students at the bachelor level need to have completed at least two semesters by the time of their stay within CEEPUS programme. The application procedures vary reflecting the type of mobility:
- network applicants – applicants whose department/faculty/institution is participating in a network approved within the CEEPUS Programme (you can check this on www.ceepus.info, see top menu > Network),
- freemover applicants – applicants who wish to apply for a scholarship, but for a stay not connected to a network approved within the CEEPUS Programme.
Supported mobility types:
- term-stays for students and PhD students (3-10 months)
- short-term mobilities (1-2 months, min. 21 days) for students and PhD students working on their final theses or dissertations
- stays for guest university lecturers (1 month, minimum 5 days and 6 lectures)
Applications are submitted electronically on www.ceepus.info twice a year:
- June 15 for winter semester
- October 31 for summer semester
- Should a home university, host university or both not participate in the network, its students, PhD students and teachers may still apply for scholarship under the category “freemover“. Deadline for freemover applications is annually November 30 on www.ceepus.info