University Pharmacy
University pharmacy is an independent department of the University, which cooperates with the clinics, departments and workplaces of UVMP in Košice.
In 2011 it underwent the transition to University administration as the special facility. It has the character of a hospital pharmacy because it provides medicines and medical aids as well as laboratory supplies for clinics and institutes of University. It is at the same public health institution focused on the comprehensive provision of medical care to patients. The range of assortment includes both human and great variety of veterinary medicines, whose dispensation is depending on the prescription, also “over-the-counter” drugs.
The dispensary is equipped with a laboratory for the production of individually prepared medications. In addition, the pharmacy has a classroom that serves to teach selected practical exercises from the subject Pharmacy and Social Pharmacy.
Employees of the pharmacy closely cooperate with pedagogical staff and students, especially in connection with the diploma theses elaboration. As well it allows performing the compulsory 1-mont and 5-month pharmaceutical practice.