The Academic Senate of UVMP is composed of elected representatives of the academic community (university teachers and researchers on fixed working hours and students of UVMP) with a decisive vote. The Academic Senate is the highest self-governing (initiative, control, co-ordination, and normative) representative body of the university.
At present it has 21 members, 14 in the Chamber of Employees and 7 in the Chamber of Students, with one PhD student representing PhD students in the full-time form of study. A term of office of the AS of UVMP in Košice lasts four years. The scope of action of the of the Academic Senate of the UVMP is regulated by Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments to Certain Laws, as amended by later regulations and by the internal regulations of UVMP in Košice.
For the first time in the history of the university, the Academic Senate of UVMP in Košice was constituted on June 26, 1990 as a 45-member three-chamber body. The head of the Academic Senate of UVMP in Košice is the chairman. This function was carried in the history of the university by Prof. Pavol Bartko, DVM., Dr.S.; Assoc. Prof. Miloslav Ondrašovič, DVM., CSc.; Prof. Vladimír Vajda, DVM., CSc.; Prof. Mikuláš Levkut, DVM., CSc.; Prof. Dionýz Máté, DVM., Ph.D.; Assoc. Prof. Peter Lazár, DVM., Ph.D., Prof. Peter Reichel, DVM., CSc., Assoc. Prof. Peter Lazár, DVM., Ph.D. and Prof. Slavomír Marcinčák, DVM., Ph.D.