

Admission procedure - 2nd round

The second round of the admission procedure at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice for study in the third level of higher education in full-time and part-time form in the academic year 2024/2025 at the PhD Study Section for the following study branches and programmes:

Study branch:
Study programme:
Veterinary medicine
Food Hygiene
Veterinary Morphology A Physiology
Internal Diseases of Animals
Infectious Diseases of Animals
Nutrition of Animals and Dietetics
Animal Hygiene and Environment

1. The admission procedure will be held on:

  • August 23, 2024 at 8:00 am (CET) at the PhD Study Section.

2. Organisation of the Admission procedure:

The admission procedure – 2nd round is organized for applicants for postgraduate study (hereinafter “PhD study”) at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice (hereinafter “the UVMP in Košice”), as well as for external educational institutions with which the UVMP in Košice has signed a contract for the provision of the study programme in the third level of higher education, i.e. for applicants to PhD study at the Institute of Animal Physiology Centre of Biosciences of Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. in Košice, Institute of Parasitology of Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. in Košice and Institute of Neuroimmunology of Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. in Bratislava.

The list of PhD theses suggested by the UVMP in Košice and by external educational institutions is also the part of the proposal (see below).

3. The list of PhD theses suggested by the UVMP in Košice and by external educational institutions is also the part of the proposal:

4. Duration of the PhD study:

  • full-time form – 4 years
  • part-time form – 5 years

5. Deadline for application form:

  • until August 7th 2024

6. Academic year starts:

  • on September 1st 2024

7. Conditions for applicant:

  • - Completion of the Second Level of Higher Education studies in relevant field in accordance to PhD study (Master/Doctoral degree in Veterinary or Animal Sciences, Natural Sciences or related sciences);
  • English - language skills in written and spoken at proficient level;
  • Acceptance is based on successfully passing the entrance exams;

8. Tuition fees and other expenses:

  • Admission fee for entrance examination is 40,00 €.
  • Annual Tuition Fee: 5.000 €*  for full-time and part-time form of study, study in Slovak language is free of charge.
    *This is the maximum amount that can be reduced to a proposal of the Vice-Rector for Science, Research and PhD Study.

Payment reimbursement:

University Bank account details:
Account holder: Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice
Bank details: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovakia
Account number 7000072225/8180
IBAN: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2225
K.S.: 0967
Variabile symbol: 72225 + „applicant´s full name as Reference for Recipient
(V.S. and Reference are used to identify the owner of payment. Please make sure you include them when making payment)

9. Application form to Postgraduate study:

Application form: http://www.uvlf.sk/en/informations-for-phd-applicants/admission-procedure

10. List of documents supporting the application:

  • Curriculum Vitae (signed)
  • Proof of payment of the admission fee - certified copy of bank statement
  • Applicant's educational attainment documents - certified photocopies of:
    • university diploma and diploma supplement
    • state examination certificate
  • Official transcript of study records (with confirmation of data accuracy by the study office of the university from which the applicant graduated including date of issue, signature and stamp) or its certified copy
  • List of published professional and scientific papers
  • Framework project of PhD thesis
  • Professional practice certificate/references

The university reserves the right to examine all educational certificates and personal identity documents, should it wish to do so at any time.

11. Completed and signed application form with enclosures should be sent by post to the address:

PhD Study Section
The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice
Komenského 73
041 81 Košice
Slovak Republic

or submitted personally at the Post Room of the UVMP in Košice. Further information is also available at the website: www.uvlf.sk/en or by e-mail: doktorandi@uvlf.sk