


The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice (UVMP in Košice), established as the Veterinary College in Košice, is the sole university for veterinary education in the Slovak Republic, which is provided both to domestic and foreign students, and one of the two universities offering education in pharmacy.

The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice was established by an Act of the Slovak National Council on 16 December 1949 as the Veterinary College in Košice, though it began its teaching activities with its first lecture on 5 October 1949. Its founding was the culmination of many years of effort aimed at establishing a school of veterinary medicine in Slovakia, since before then those interested in such study had to go abroad, in particular to the veterinary university in Brno, and after its closure during the Second World War, to Vienna. In the post-war period the raising of agricultural animals was threatened by dangerous contagions, and the concentration of animals for collective breeding complicated the situation even further; thus the need for a veterinary school in Slovakia grew such that the foundation of such an institution in Košice became a reality.

In 1952 by government resolution, the Veterinary College in Košice lost its independence, when it was attached as a veterinary faculty to the Agricultural University in Nitra. Efforts to return it to independence finally succeeded by ratification of a law in 1968, and from the start of the 1969/1970 academic year, it again became an independent university. This was reflected in the change of the school’s name in 1992, when the Veterinary College in Košice was renamed as the University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice. With the introduction of a new study programme in pharmacy in the 2006/2007 academic year, the university requested another name change, and as of 15 January 2010 it bears a new name: the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice.

These changes were accompanied by a change in the university logo. The new logo retained the form and the colours of the original logo of the Veterinary College in Košice consisting of a bevelled letter “V” and the Staff of Asclepius with a serpent coiled around it. In 2008, its shape became circular with the name of the university on the circumference of the circle. The new study programme which had induced the name change was referred to by adding a pair of scales and supplementing the name of the university in the existing logo.

UVMP in Košice is a one faculty university providing undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate veterinary education and pharmaceutical education.

Rectors of the university for the past period were Prof. Rudolf Cabadaj, DVM., Ph.D. (1992 – 1997), Prof. Dušan Magic, DVM., Ph.D. (1997 - 2000), Prof. Rudolf Cabadaj, DVM. Ph.D. (2000 - 2007), Prof. Emil Pilipčinec, DVM., Ph.D. (2007 - 2015) and Prof. Jana Mojžišová, DVM. Ph.D., Dr.h.c. (2015 - 2023). Since February 1st 2023 Prof. Jozef Nagy, DVM. Ph.D., is rector of UVMP.

Vice-rectors for Education and Study Affairs were Assoc. Prof. Viera Bajová, DVM., Ph.D. (1992 – 1997), Assoc. Prof. Valent Ledecký, DVM., Ph.D. (1997 – 2000), Prof. Viera Bajová, , DVM., Ph.D. (2000 – 2007), Prof. Jana Mojžišová, DVM., Ph.D. (2007 - 2015) and Prof. Zita Faixová, DVM., Ph.D. (2015 - 2019) and Martin Tomko, DVM., PhD. (2019 - up to now).

In 2019, the post of Vice-rector for International Relations was established, which was from the beginning carried out by Prof. Zita Faixová, DVM., Ph.D. (2019 - 2023).  Current Vice-rector for International Relations is Boris Vojtek, DVM., Ph.D. (2023 - up to now).

In 2007, the post of Vice-rector for PhD and Foreign Studies was established, which was from the beginning carried out by Prof. Oľga Ondrašovičová, Dipl-In. Ph.D. (2014). Next Vice-rector for Foreign Studies was Martin Tomko, DVM. Ph.D. (2015 - 2019).

Vice-rectors for Research Activities and Foreign Contacts were Prof. Ivan Rosival, DVM., CSc. (1992 – 1994), Assoc. Prof. Marta Prosbová, DVM., CSc. (1994 – 1997), Prof. Milan Maretta, DVM., Dr.S. (1997 – 1998), Assoc. Prof. Jaroslav Legáth, DVM., CSc. (1998 – 2000), Prof. Emil Pilipčinec, DVM., Ph.D. (2000 – 2007), Prof. Jaroslav Legáth, DVM., CSc. (2007 – 2015), Prof. Juraj Pistl, DVM., Ph.D. (2015 - 2023) and Assoc. Prof. Jana Koščová, DVM., Ph.D. (2023 - up to now)..

Vice-rector for University Development and Quality Assurance were Assoc. Prof. Andrej Bugarský, DVM. et LL.D., CSc. (1992 – 1994), Assoc. Prof. Miloslav Ondrašovič, DVM., CSc. (1997 – 1998), Prof. Jozef Bíreš, DVM., Dr.S. (1998 – 2000), Assoc. Prof. Emil Švický, DVM., Ph.D. (1994 – 1997, 2000 – 2007), Assoc. Prof. Peter Korim, DVM., CSc. (2007 – 2015), Prof. Jozef Nagy, DVM., Ph.D. (2015 - 2023) and Assoc. Prof. Zuzana Kostecká, DVM., Ph.D. (2023 - up to now).

Bursar since changing the name of the university to UVM until 2006 was Rudolf Lukáč. Between 2006 and 2007 Osvald Körner was Bursar of the university. From 2007 to March 31st 2015 it was Silvia Rolfová. Since March 15th 2015 Róbert Schréter, Ing., Ph.D. is Bursar of UVMP.