Student's magazine ARDO
ARDO is a journal of students of the UVMP in Košice. It was first released in December 2010. It was born of enthusiasm for the students who felt the absence of a media that would reach students in all study programmes of our university at the time of the developed information and communication technologies. The printed version of the magazine was verified as the most interesting form of communication with a wide readership. The journal is published twice a semester.
The name Ardo was inspired by the name of a horse of the noble Oldenburg breed, whose author is the most significant Czech sculptor at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the representative of the monumental realism and the founder of the modern Czech sculpture Josef Václav Myslbek. In 1979, two identical bronze statues of Arda were cast in ČKD Blansko, one of which is part of the university campus.
Editorial board:
Chairman of the Editorial Board – Richard Pavlík
Members of the Editorial board – Ivana Lančaričová, Petra Rendvanská, Lenka Sárková, Júlia Václaviková, Filoména Ághová, Nastasia Vlašičová, MVDr. Lýdia Mesarčová, PhD.
Photographers – Šimon Halás a Ján Kmeť
Editorial office:
Dormitories of UVMP in Košice
Cesta pod Hradovou 11 a 13, 040 01 Košice
University library and editorial centre UVMP in Košice