Clinic of Horses
Characteristics of the workplace
The clinic of horses is a multifunctional scientific and pedagogical workplace with a focus on the diagnosis, therapy and prevention of horse diseases. It covers issues of internal medicine, orthopedics, surgery, reproduction, imaging techniques, anesthesiology. Horses are referred to the clinic by a veterinarian or are ordered directly by the owner. The clinic provides a 24-hour emergency medical service.
Clinic of Horses provides:
- 24-hour operability for horses with colic and other urgent conditions
- Hospitalization of a patient with 24-hour professional supervision
- Surgical and orthopedic examination and treatment of horses
- Examination and treatment of internal diseases of horses
- Reproduction service for mares (cold and deep-frozen semen insemination, early diagnosis of pregnancy)
- Comprehensive examination of the horse before purchase
- Periodic and orthopedic submission of horses
- Advisory service for the breeding community