Small Animal Clinic
Characteristics of the Workplace
The Clinic of Small Animals provides the following expertise: Professional counseling, diagnostics and therapy of dogs and cats, according to the following specializations:
Acute medicine and anesthesiology
- laboratory monitoring of acute and hospitalized patients - haematological examination, biochemical examination, acid-base profile
- hospitalization - continuous monitoring and therapy of hospitalized patients
- postoperative care
- care for acute patients, first aid
Dermatology, endocrinology
- basic diagnostic protocol of skin diseases (skin scratch, cytological examination, bacteriological and mycological cultivation)
- specific allergen-diagnostic ( intradermal skin test)
- specific endocrinological diagnostics
- specific laboratory diagnostics
- biopsy of the skin for histopathological examination
- diagnosis of liver disease including functional tests, thin-skin aspirations and transcutaneous liver biopsy
- endoscopic examination
- ultrasonographic examination
Surgery of soft tissues
- electrocardiography
- echocardiography (ultrasound scan of heart and measurement in B and M mode)
- neurosurgical procedures on the spine and the spinal cord
- basic neurological examination
- Epileptologie
- geriatric neurological patients
- dog behavioral disorders
Ophthalmology – complete eye examination and surgery in all animal species
- direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy
- Gonioscopy • Electoretinography
- PLR – colorimetry
- laser therapy of the eye tumor, glaucoma and retina ablation
- Cryotherapy of the eye fundus camera
- measurement of eye pressure
- USG eye
- Certificates for hereditary eye diseases/ EESVO
- Surgical treatment of ERU/ cyclosporine implants
- Cyclosporine implants in dogs with autoimmune eye diseases
- All kinds of macro and microsurgical procedures on the eye and adnexa
- Including: cataract surgery, intraocular implant, corneal transplantation
- Sampling for cytological examination
- Preparation of chemotherapeutic and cytostatic treatment in laminar box and also the use of chemotherapists and cytostatics
- Soft operations on soft tissues
- Determination of oncarkers
- Consultation of owners of oncology patients
- surgical procedures at bones and joints TTA Rapid, Extraarticular stabilisation
- evaluation of Radiographs hip and elbow displasia
- evaluation of patellar luxation in dogs
- symphydiodesis, DPO – double pelvic osteotomy, denervation joint capsule in dogs
- FHNO – (femoral head and neck resection) for hip joint
- PAUL – system for medial compartment disease of the canine elbow
- physiology and pathology of breeding dogs and cats (both sexes)
- managing admissions
- taking ejaculate from dogs
- artificial insemination of souks
- diagnosis of pregnancy by ultrasound
- treatment of unwanted mating
- conducting physiological and pathological labor of soups and cats
- preventive and urgent imperial rust
- postpartum pathology
- examination of pups after birth
- dog and cat infertility
Dentistry , Celestial Surgery
Urology and nephrology
- basic urinalysis
- examination of specific weight
- sediment examination - organic and inorganic sonography of the kidney and bladder
Laboratory examinations
- haematological examination
- biochemical examination of blood and urine ascites
- acid-base profile
- Coprological examination (Institute of Parasitology)
- microbiological and mycological examination (Department of Microbiology)
- pathological-anatomical and histopathological examination (Institute of Pathological Anatomy)