
International exchange study programmes

International exchange study programmes


ERASMUS stands for European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. As an integrated programme, Erasmus+ offers more opportunities for mobility of learners and staff and cooperation across the education, training and youth sectors and is easier to access than its predecessors, with simplified funding rules and a structure which aims to streamline the administration of the programme. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.


CEEPUS is a Central European exchange programme for university studies, currently actively involved in Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Austria. CEEPUS offers mobilities for students, PhD students and teachers of higher education institutions (universities) from member countries. All fields of study are welcome and there are no priority areas.