Department of General Competencies
Characteristics of the department
The Department of General Competencies provides teaching of professional Latin, foreign professional languages, Slovak language for foreign students, statistics, computer science, mathematics, professional communication, communication skills and physical education in all UVMP study programs. In addition to the above, it also provides subjects focused on the application of statistics in relevant veterinary fields, namely in selected study programs in the third degree of study and language training for doctoral students in the third degree of study.
Linguistic pedagogues focus on teaching basic Latin terminology, a basic minimum of Latin grammar, mastering Latin-Greek terms of all study programs. The goal of teaching a foreign professional language is mastering professional terminology, working with professional text and acquiring speech and language competencies in specific UVMP study programs. In addition, the workplace also provides teaching of the Slovak language for foreign students. The goal of teaching the Slovak language for foreign students is to master basic grammar rules and conversational topics. The purpose is to help foreign students communicate and find their way around everyday life in our country.
Pedagogical staff participate in the selection of postgraduate students applying for studies by checking their knowledge of a foreign language. Teachers of foreign languages lead professional language courses for doctoral studies and individual language teaching of PhD students and implement preparatory courses for the English language exam for the needs of foreign students teaching.
The department also provides teaching of professional communication and communication skills. The aim of the subjects is to enable students to acquire knowledge and skills in ethical communication between colleagues, towards the public and in relation to customers - owners or breeders of animals, gain knowledge on how to prepare and present the results of your work either at face-to-face meetings or in front of an audience. The student will acquire basic knowledge of the theory of language communication, stylistics and rhetoric as a starting point for creating their own effective and cultivated communication outputs.
The inclusion of the Physical Education subject in the group of optional subjects changed the philosophy of understanding students' movement activities in the sense of personal awareness of their need as part of psychohygiene and harmonious personality development during studies. Physical education as an optional study subject is intended for students of all study years and study programs in full-time and external form under the professional guidance of physical education teachers. Foreign students of all study programs and study years are included in the teaching. Physical education teachers provide the following physical activities: tabata - body form, basketball, badminton and table tennis, running training, bouldering, floorball, frisbee, yoga, cardio exercise, conditioning, archery, pilates, mini-football, hiking, volleyball, healthy back - SM system, a special program for students with specific needs.
The department develops contacts with domestic and foreign partners (in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria) within the framework of "Teacher mobility".
Pedagogues - linguists write professional articles, create teaching materials, textbooks and scripts aimed at professional foreign language training of students and provide professional consultations in the field of professional foreign language communication and professional terminology, participate in domestic and foreign conferences and seminars, thereby increasing their professional qualifications.
The pedagogical process in the field of informatics is primarily focused on the application of informatics in relevant areas, with an emphasis on the advantages and possibilities of the 21st century in the field of information and communication technologies. The acquired knowledge will enable students to use many achievements of the modern era. The field of mathematics is narrowly profiled for students of the Pharmacy study program, so that they acquire basic knowledge and skills in university mathematics with an emphasis on use in the field of pharmacy mainly during their studies. Statistics and its teaching is profiled so that the students of the respective study programs can apply the acquired knowledge in various biological and non-biological experiments, with an emphasis on their correct evaluation and understanding of the conclusions of individual experiments.
Development in the field of informatics, mathematics, or statistics is also ensured by applying for various projects, while 3 projects in this field have already been successfully implemented in the past.
As part of scientific and research activities, linguistically oriented pedagogues are involved in various projects implemented at the UVMP as well as other colleges and universities in Slovakia, in the field of statistics, mainly in the form of support and evaluation of various experiments in the biological field, but also outside of it, focusing on "A-rated" publications.