
Organisation structure

Science and Reasearch Section

The office extensive agenda includes administration and management of scientific and research activities of the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice (UVMP). It supports quality improvement of the science, research and career growth of young researchers at UVMP (Internal Grant Agency – IGA, postdoctoral positions), helps upgrade professional qualifications of the employees (habilitation and inauguration proceedings, scientific qualification level IIa), provides administrative support for projects (final defence of KEGA projects), international projects (Horizon 2020).

The office helps present UVMP’s science and research at public outreach events (European Researchers’ Night, etc.), and organizes UVMP´s Scientific Board meetings, IGA Board, Commission for Scientific and Research Activities, etc.

The office is responsible for the Vice-Rector’s agenda and correspondence (documents for the University Management meetings, statistics for the Statistical Office of SR, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR, Slovak Rector's Conference, Slovak Universities Board, keeping registry records, etc.) and mediates contact of the Vice-Rector within and outside the university at the national and international levels.


Employees Phone E-mail Web
Dobšinská Katarína, Mgr. +421905383374 katarina.dobsinska@uvlf.sk -
Kočutová Michaela, Mgr. +421908807840 michaela.kocutova@uvlf.sk -