
Organisation structure

PhD Study Office

The office extensive agenda includes administrative and management support to the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice (UVMP) in the area of postgraduate study (PhD study). UVMP provides PhD study in 14 accredited study programmes, in the full-time and the part-time forms, in Slovak and English languages.

The office keeps register of PhD students in written (study files) and electronic forms (Academic Information System - AIS) and is responsible for the accuracy of all documents and data during the admission procedure, enrolment for studies and the study in AIS, Central Student Register, Central Register of Final Theses.

The office organizes the entire process of postgraduate study from the admission to study to its proper termination, including meetings of study branch committees in relevant study programmes, where dissertation state examination, the final dissertation defence are discussed, and prepares graduation certifying documents (diploma, certificate of state examination and diploma supplement).

The office participates in organizing a scientific event – The Seminar for PhD students dedicated to the memory of Academician Boďa in cooperation with Institute of Animal Physiology SAS and Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice.

The office is responsible for the Vice-Rector’s agenda and correspondence (documents for the University Management meetings, statistics for the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR, keeping study records and registry records, etc.) and mediates contact of the Vice-Rector within and outside the university at the national and international levels.

Office hours
8.30 - 11.00
nestránkový deň
12.30 - 14.30
12.30 - 14.30 (closed in period from 15th July to 15th August)
8.30 - 11.00


Employees Phone E-mail Web
Júlia Jančura, Mgr. +421915984774 doktorandi@uvlf.sk -