Vice-Rector for Education
The Vice-Rector for Education is responsible for administration of study programmes of the first and second levels and study programmes of joined first and second levels of higher education in the Slovak and English languages.
The Vice-Rector for Education is primarily responsible for:
- the activities of the Study Office,
- management of the educational process,
- preparation of study plans in the study programmes of UVMP,
- production of strategic and developmental documents for UVMP in the field of education,
- teaching in the accredited study programmes,
- timetable scheduling and coordination of planned teaching processes,
- preparation and management of admission procedure,
- updating the content, methods, means and organisation of education,
- coordination of educational activities of the departments and clinics,
- management of the creation of study literature, teaching aids and methodological tools developed by the workplaces of UVMP,
- organisation of the student scientific and professional activity conference (ŠVOČ),
- organisation of education within the University of the Third Age programme,
- coordination of the creation of new study programmes,
- rational use of the pedagogical staff members of the workplaces,
- systematic evaluation of the fulfilment of the tasks in the educational process,
- compiling the main tasks of the educational process into reports,
- implementation of results of scientific research aimed at addressing the effectiveness and quality of the educational process at UVMP,
- implementation of the conclusions of the Scientific Board in the field of education,
development and continuous implementation of the concept of educational activities, creating optimal conditions for study, accommodation, catering, and club activities at UVMP:
- Flóra club
- Cynological Club
- Hunting Cynology Club
- Breeder’s Club
- DARCO Cynological Club
- Small Mammal and Exotic Bird Breeders Club
- Falconry and Raptor Rehabilitation Club
- Mineralogical Club
- Bee Breeders Club
- Hygiena Alimentorum Club
- Cat Care Club
The workplaces directly managed by the Vice-Rector for Education include:
Study Office:
- Office for Study in the Slovak Language
- Office for Study in the English Language
- Student Registry and Social Support Office
- Student dormitories