
Organisation structure


Nagy Jozef, Prof. DVM, PhD.

+421 915 923195

The Rector is the statutory representative of the university. He/she manages the university, acts on its behalf, and represents the university externally. In addition to the remit provided for by law, he/she also directs the Vice-Rectors and the Bursar, imposes tasks and controls their work. Through the Vice-Rectors and the Bursar he/she manages the heads of departments. The legal position of the Rector is governed by the provisions of § 10 of the Higher Education Act and Art. 4 of the Statute of UVMP in Košice. The Rector is appointed by the President of the Slovak Republic on a proposal from the Academic Senate (AS) of UVMP in Košice. The proposal is submitted to the President of the Slovak Republic by the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. The Rector's term of office is four years.


  • establishes, merges, orders the merging of UVMP components, divides them and abolishes them after seeking the opinion of the Academic Senate of UVMP,
  • submits the draft budget of UVMP to the Board of Trustees of UVMP for approval after its approval by the Academic Senate of UVMP,
  • awards the title of ‘Associate Professor’, after a decision made by the Scientific Board of UVMP, pursuant to § 12 (1) f) of the Higher Education Act,
  • submits proposals for appointment of professors to the Minister of Education after their approval by the Scientific Board of UVMP,
  • appoints and dismisses vice-rectors after approval by the Academic Senate of UVMP,
  • he/she is a Chair of the Scientific Board of the UVMP,
  • appoints and dismisses members of the Scientific Board of UVMPafter approval by the Academic Senate of UVMP.

The services of the Rector:

  • Rector's Office,
    • Chancellor,
    • Secretariat,
    • Spokesperson,
  • Legal Affairs and Human Resouces Department:
    • Legal Affairs,
    • Human Resources,
    • Post Room,
    • Registry
  • Department of Safety and Crises Management:
    • Safety Management,
    • Crisis Management.