The UVMP in Košice has two dormitories situated about 10 minute walk from the university. Typical yellow building (lower one) and blue building (higher one) are located on Cesta pod Hradovou 11-13, 040 01 Košice. Capacity of the dormitories is over 400 rooms. Dormitory buildings are divided into ten or nine floors, each floor consists of two corridors with 20 rooms in total. Bathrooms and toilets are shared and were partially reconstructed. There are also shared kitchens at each floor equipped with microwave and cooker with oven. Available are also common rooms which can be used for study or for fun.
Study rooms for studying without interruption can be found in yellow dormitory on the fifth floor, in blue dormitory on the first floor. Keys from these rooms are available at a reception upon showing your student ISIC card. Washing and ironing are available for a small fee, a vacuum cleaner is available for free. Keys from laundry, flat iron and vacuum cleaner are also available at the reception.
Bank Account details:
Account holder: Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach
Bank details: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovakia
Account number: 7000072225/8180
IBAN: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2225
Variable symbol: 4521
Message for the recipient: name of the student and month that is paid for
First payment must be made by September 15 of the current year. Then it is possible to pay monthly of for several months at once. The latter option must be indicated in the payment reference of message for the recipient.
Director | Phone | Web | |
Hochmann Jaroslav, Mgr. | +421917763106 | | - |
Employees | Phone | Web | |
Bučková Anna | +421918967939 | | - |
Jacková Daniela, Ing. | +421918967936 | | - |
Meďanská Marcela | - | - | - |
Menceľová Jana | - | - | - |
Nagyová Jozefína | +421915991457 | | - |
Švihrová Valéria, Ing. | +421915984601 | | - |
Other employees | Phone | Web | |
Blanárová Zdenka | - | | - |
Bradová Ľudmila | - | | - |
Grega Ondrej | +421918967938 | | - |
Juhás Martin | - | | - |