
Organisation structure

Clinic of Birds, Exotic and Free linving Animals

Clinical activities

The Clinic for Birds, Exotic and Free Living Animals provides treatment for patients in the field of internal medicine, surgery, reproduction and orthopedics. The clinic has at its disposal a device for inhalation anesthesia, a device for controlling ventilation and for endoscopic examination with direct image transmission to monitors and, at the same time, recording of the endoscopic examination. In most cases, patients are brought to the ambulance by the owners themselves, wild animals by the finder. In the case of poultry, it is imported from poultry farms, or hatched directly at the clinic in a low-capacity hatchery that the clinic has.

The clinic also provides hospitalization of patients. During their treatment, the veterinary doctor on duty is also assisted by students as part of clinical internships in Slovak and English teaching. Under the supervision of the veterinarian on duty, they receive patients and their records, perform basic clinical examinations, take biological material, apply drugs, perform laboratory tests, assist in surgical procedures and provide post-operative care for patients.

The Clinic of Birds, Exotic and Free Living Animals in cooperation with the Environmental Office Košice - city and Košice - surroundings provides treatment, temporary hospitalization and rehabilitation of captured or found predators and other wild animals. The Clinic of Birds, Exotic and Free Living Animals ensures the operation of the following facilities: The rehabilitation and breeding station for wild animals, which is under the management of the State Nature Protection and the administrative supervision of the Environmental Protection Offices for Košice city and Košice surroundings, operates a diagnostic laboratory for bee diseases. Its purpose is to improve the teaching of the subject Bee Diseases and at the same time provide consultation and diagnostic activities for beekeepers of the Slovak Bee Association.

Basic services provided:

  • Hematological and biochemical analysis of the blood of birds, reptiles and small mammals.
  • Coprological and cytological examination.
  • Endoscopic examination-air sacs, digestive system.
  • Before the purchase examination of exotic birds.
  • Determining the sex of birds using the endoscopic method.
  • Surgical interventions (sterilization, castration, caesarean section, Tie-In fracture therapy, external fixation methods, tooth extraction and correction of dental malocclusion in rodents and fur animals, correction of occlusion of beaks in exotic birds, pododermatitis therapy in exotic birds, egg retention therapy in reptiles and exotic birds, removal of tumors and others).