

Interruption of the teaching process - Public performance of the candidate for Rector

Interruption of the teaching process - Public performance of the candidate for Rector

I would like to inform all teachers and students of the UVMP in Košice that on

October 24th 2022

I interrupt the teaching process for all students and PhD students of the UVMP in Košice studying in all study programmes in Slovak and English languages, without obligation to compensate for missed classes, from 13:00 o’clock on the occasion of public performance of the candidate for Rector for the next term of office.

Interruption of the teaching process does not apply to the teaching activities of students of the 6th year General Veterinary Medicine study programme (including post BSc.).

All employees and students of the university are invited to attend the public performance, which will be held in the Pavilion of Morphological Disciplines.

Prof. Jana Mojžišová, DVM, PhD, Dr. h. c.