

Why do you hesitate? Come get vaccinated at school!

Why do you hesitate? Come get vaccinated at school!

The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, in cooperation with the BIONT vaccination center, prepared a vaccination for its students, employees and their families on Friday, September 3, 2021. It will take place directly on the school premises, in the lecture hall on Kostolianská Street (P32), where until recently there was a mobile sampling point for antigen testing.

You can get vaccinated with Comirnaty vaccine from Pfizer / BioNTech, registration is required by September 1, 2021. Upon registration, each applicant will receive a return e-mail with the exact time of vaccination. The data from the completed questionnaire will be used exclusively for the healthcare provider - BIONT vaccination center and will not be shared with third parties except the health insurance company and the National Health Information Center in accordance with the GDPR and rules set by the Ministry of Health.

If you are not yet vaccinated, do not hesitate! Don't lose the freedom and liberty of college life. Don't exchange the power of friends and team for loneliness at the computer. Treat yourself to meaningful education with full-fledged practical training in laboratories, clinics and exercise rooms. Turn the script chapter on public health into a genuine interest in the health, safety and stability of society as a whole. If you don't believe in scientific arguments, you will have hard time in persuading others to believe you when giving advice to your patients and clients in the future. Prioritize common sense and trust epidemiologists who have a clear historical success in fighting severe infections.