

Hubert's ride 2018

Hubert's ride 2018

12.10.2018   Events

For several years, Hubert's ride has been a tradition of the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, in cooperation with the riding club TJ Slávia UVMP in Košice, which aims to celebrate St. Hubert's Day - the patron of hunters and riders. It also represents a symbolic hunt for the fox, which is made by one of the riders marked by a fox fur or tail. The ride is takes place in forests on a prepared route with many obstacles, which only the fox knows.

This year's Hubert ride opened ceremoniously before the State Theater in Košice, the rector of the University  Prof. Jana Mojžišová, DVM., PhD., Dr. h. c. At the ceremony were the guests of honor, Vice-Mayor of Košice Martin Petruško, Vice-Chairman of the Košice Self-Governing Region Daniel Rusnák and Maj. Vincent Vaľko, Commander of the Kosice Police Station.

The ceremony also included a ceremonial presentation and decoration of riders accompanied by fanfares of the horns. Together with the riders, after the opening ceremony, all participants moved to the UVMP campus in Košice, where after reading the regule and granting teh approval by the rector of university the fox hunt officially started.