Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Animals
The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice cordially invites you to the VI. International Scientific Conference "Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Animals" to be held from 13th to 14th September 2018.
The aim of the conference is to offer expert and scientific public the most up-to-date information from infectious and parasitic diseases of animals and humans as well as to inform about the latest trends in their diagnostics, therapy and treatment. At previous years, we have always managed to create a pleasant atmosphere for discussion and exchange of experience and opinions.
We believe that you will find time to make your September days more professional and friendly, and talk about interesting topics, and share the results of your research with other conference participants even in today's hasty time. The Organizing Committee and all participants will look forward to your interesting expert contributions, that infectology and parasitology offer in practice and in research.
The conference is organised as propagation and popularisation of science and research of the project:
Medicínsky univerzitný vedecký park v Košiciach (MediPark, Košice - Phase II.)
ITMS2014+: 313011D103
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